Netflix Earning, Microsoft Ad Deal & Why Microsoft – A Possible Acquisition?

Netflix has decided to partner with Microsoft for their ad-tiered model. Is there more than what meets the eye. Is Netflix planning for their exit strategy, with a possible acquisition by Microsoft. Also what did the earnings tell about the future of Netflix business. Read more to find out.

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Netflix Ad Partnerships and “Stranger Thing” Effect

Netflix lost 200k subscribers earlier this year and is on the verge of losing 2M more by the end of the year. They are surely lacking IP and the only way out from here is to build an ad-tiered model. Competitors have done it. Let us examine the long tail effect on Netflix, ads, stranger things impact, and much more.

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3 problems faced by OTT/entertainment industry and why gaming is a potential solution

OTT industry is fighting hard for user attention, building IP, and producing content that will bring back subscribers. Gaming is a potential solution to these problems. Gamers across the world are rising and are attracted to franchise-based games. Live streaming is another solution. Both will provide an alternate revenue stream and attentive user time.

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“Ideas are easy. Execution is everything.” Unlocking OKRs as described by John Doerr

This blog is a summary of the Measure What Matters, a book by John Doerr. Measure What Matters focuses on the idea and concepts of Objective and Key Results (OKRs). Why an organization should adopt the OKRs, how they should adopt the OKRs and what cultural changes an organization need to make to be successful with OKRs.

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Evaluating Alphabet – Does more internet usage evaluate to increase in advertisement revenue?

Ever since I read about Google, have been a huge fan of Google's operating model and how speed to market for its key product. This has helped generate good market capitalization and a huge economic moat over its industry peers. This blog uses mathematical and financial model to evaluate the fair enterprise value for Google. I have discounted cash flow analysis to predict revenue growth by doing competitive market analysis for its advertisement and cloud business.

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